Tuesday 6 June 2017

Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment – Non-Surgical Options

It is a known fact that an increasing number of people are suffering from cervical degenerative disc disease. If you have been experiencing jabbing pain in lower back or spine then without having to waste time, consult an orthopedic surgeon. If symptoms and pain from this condition intensify, there are steps which can alleviate this condition. The first option for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment is pain management through non-invasive methods. Some of the most common steps are non-surgical treatment and self-care options. It is only in rare cases that pain and discomfort persist and the surgeon would recommend the surgery.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

For neck pain consequential to cervical degenerative disease, an orthopedic would recommend the one or the combination of the following treatment options.

Lifestyle Modification or Rest–Some activities might trigger more pain for the neck such as craning the neck forward while looking at the computer screen or particular swimming stroke. Refraining from or making changes in lifestyle would help in reducing the pain. Also, flexing the neck forward or maintaining the posture is recommended. Staying hydrated, quitting smoking and drinking and eating healthy are a few other options. These small changes would make huge difference to your treatment pattern.

Pain Management with Injections or Medication–There are several ways in which you can find relief in pain resulting from cervical degenerative disc disease. There is an easy availability of over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen, Tylenol and others which can alleviate pain. If patient find no respite from these medications then stronger medication like muscle relaxants or oral steroids might be prescribed as well. Other treatment options might include injections that directly get delivered into the part of the neck, for instance, a cervical facet injection or cervical epidural steroid injection.

Orthopedic surgeon recommends the best treatment for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Atlanta by examining the condition of a patient.

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